WhatsApp has added a new feature called Chat Lock to help users protect their privacy. Chat Lock allows you to lock individual chats with a password or biometric authentication. When a chat is locked, it is moved to a separate folder and its notifications are hidden. This means that even if someone has access to your phone, they will not be able to see the contents of your locked chats without knowing the password or unlocking your phone with biometrics.
To enable Chat Lock, open the chat you want to lock and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then, select “Chat Lock” and enter your password or authenticate with your fingerprint or face.
To unlock a locked chat, tap the three dots in the top right corner and select “Chat Lock.” Then, enter your password or authenticate with your fingerprint or face.
Chat Lock is a great way to protect your privacy and keep your personal conversations private. If you are concerned about someone accessing your messages, Chat Lock is a simple and effective way to keep them safe.
Here are some additional details about Chat Lock:
- Chat Lock is available for both Android and iOS devices.
- You can use a password or biometric authentication to lock your chats.
- Locked chats are moved to a separate folder and their notifications are hidden.
- You can unlock a locked chat by entering your password or authenticating with your fingerprint or face.
Chat Lock is a new feature that is still being rolled out. It may not be available to everyone yet.
If you have any questions about Chat Lock, please contact WhatsApp support.